Stargaze Aesthetics Clinic – Manchester
Wart, Mole & Skin tag Removal (FREEZE PEN)
With the help of Freezpen, a cutting-edge CryoTherapy technique, unsightly skin lesions and other skin flaws can be eliminated quickly, accurately, and painlessly. It offers the ideal treatment for unwelcome benign skin tags, moles, cherry angiomas, warts, and verrucae because it is controlled and painless and doesn’t require anesthesia.

How Does This Work?
The Freezpen device is a breakthrough in cryotherapy. At -89°C, it releases a precise jet of nitrous oxide that enables your healthcare practitioner to work with micron accuracy. The microscopic cold blast damages the tissue by freezing the intercellular fluid, generating ice shards and crystals, which shatter the cell membrane and kill the cell. This process moves in circular and crisscross patterns.
The Freezpen’s accuracy and ease of usage significantly limit collateral damage to healthy skin. The Freezpen also produces effective results right away, without the need for additional preparation or follow-up, thanks to its penetrating pressure.
What Can Cryotherapy Remove?
The Freeze pen/Cryotherapy treatment can help with a wide range of unwanted tissue ranging from moles and skin tags to pigmentation spots.
• Affordable
• Minimal discomfort
• Effective results first time
• Short recovery time
• Optimal Safety with no side effects

Is the Freezpen treatment painful?
The accuracy of Freezpen ensures a stress-free
treatment. Some sensation may be felt as the
nitrous oxide gas reaches the bottom of the lesion, however, this is minimal if anything. Post-treatment, there may be residual stinging which will subside.
How long does the treatment take?
The duration of treatment depends on the type of skin lesion being treated and the depth and breadth of the skin defect in question. Generally, treatment is completed in as little as two minutes (meaning you could book in on your lunch break).
Is there any side effects?
The area treated is frozen, killing the localized
cells in that area causing them to shrivel and die. As a result, the treated area may appear darker over a few weeks but will return to normal pigmented skin in around six weeks.
Is it safe?
Cryotherapy is a low-risk procedure. Freezpen
delivers the extreme cold gas accurately and directly to the affected area and does not effect the healthy surrounding tissue. Freezpen is both CE and FDA-registered.
How much will the treatment cost?
The cost of treatment depends on the particular type and size of skin lesion to be treated. Make a consultation with one of our team members and they will discuss your treatment, where they can advise you of the cost for your specific skin needs.
Choose Us?
We are a clinic based in Manchester that offers a range of treatments to help with any hair & skin conditions you may have. We like to take pride in what we do using the highest quality equipment. You can feel safe and secure knowing that our trained professionals will provide you with the best treatment and aftercare.
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